
Umbsky Labyrinth

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All the northern mazes are made of small stones, have the form of an oval with intricate passages leading to the center of the structure. There are several types of maze designs. It is noted that mazes of different types can be adjacent, and the same structures can be found in territories separated by hundreds of kilometers.

The purpose of the ancient mazes is still a mystery. According to one hypothesis, ancient people performed ritual rites near them. Another hypothesis suggests that the mazes were built in places where the dead were buried, so that the souls of the dead would get lost, wandering in a spiral, and not disturb the living.

This labyrinth, called "Umbsky", is located on Cape Annin Krest, located 13 km from Umbs to the west. It is one of the three remaining on the territory of the Kola Peninsula. According to some researchers, in ancient times there could have been much more Babylons — up to 50, but some of them were not spared by time, and the location of others may have been forgotten. The Umber labyrinth consists of concentrically laid stone circles with an outer diameter of 12-15 meters, forming an intricate pattern of passages.

The main entrance is located on the opposite side from the sea. The time of its creation is estimated to be approximately 16-18 century BC. The exact purpose is not known, but most opinions tend to two versions: religious objects, or fishing facilities. The latter hypothesis suggests that in the recent geological past, the mazes were located in the tidal zone of the sea and were used for fishing. The stones themselves, or the poles attached to them, served as a trap for fish at low tide. If this is true, then the position of the" babylons " relative to the current sea level provides a unique scientific material for assessing tectonic movements over the past 2-3 thousand years.

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